Saturday, October 3, 2015

21 Weeks

Feeling great!

This belly is measuring two weeks ahead, and my doctor told me that, at up 15 pounds, I'm gaining too much weight. I'm not supposed stop gaining ..  but just gain slower.

I guess I need to slow down on the Halloween candy I bought. For the trick or treaters. Obviously.


  1. You look amazing and I don't see any extra weight on you, just baby.

  2. You're looking great! Enjoy the treats and tell your doctor to take a chill pill :)

  3. bahhaa well you certainly don't look it, you cute little mama you! I gained 8 lbs in 4 weeks (between 20 and 24 I think) and got a hard time from my doc, even though the rest of my overall gain was totally normal. Do what feels right to you, you've done this before and know what you're doing ; ) Looking great!!
