Friday, September 20, 2019

New York City

My mom and I were headed to NYC for a baby shower and I decided to bring Olivia along. I woke her up that morning, told her it was surprise adventure day, she had breakfast in the car and we headed to the airport. She was thrilled and loves surprises!

I packed her the night before and forgot to pack her lovie. Worst mom ever! So our first stop was trying to find a lovie. 

We went to the color factory (Olivia's favorite!) and the illusion museum. We met up with Dan's brothers, who live there. We also went to the Starbucks reserve, which was really cool. Day two we went to serendipity 3 (not great, overhyped!), Dylan's candy bar, FAO Schwartz, and the Lilly sale. Took a pedicab home which was Olivia's second favorite thing. That night was the baby shower and Olivia had a blast helping set up and stayed up until midnight. 

Our last day we squeezed in the statue of liberty, sea glass castle and Walstreet with Coach. We were exhausted by the end but had so much fun!

Sunday, September 1, 2019

2019 School Year

First day of school pictures and orientation day for Olivia. Olivia was super nervous starting kindergarten, but she has done great! Emma didn't want to have new teachers or new friends, but she has settled in well. And Sloan didn't care one bit - she's here for the party, wherever it is!