Sunday, October 25, 2015

24 Weeks

If only I could rock this outfit every day. #socomfortable #teamleggingsarepants

Am I close to being finished? Is it February? Surely, I'm almost done right?


  1. That does look like a comfy outfit!! Wear it as much as possible :) It's almost February... well kind of :) Lots of good food to enjoy between now and then!

  2. You look great! Nothing wrong with leggings as pants... Says the mom who wears yoga pants 24/7 ;)

  3. you're looking all little and cute!... and I just got asked if I was expecting twins by a coworker. ughhh

  4. You look great!! Don't rush to February - you have Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas to enjoy (and indulge in :) )!!
