And just like that, my toddler is kid.
She started pumping on the swing and can swing by herself. I told her I was really proud of her and she replied, "yeah mom, I'm 3, I can do things like this now." #threenager
The past year was a fun year. She learned to swim. Slide down water slides and swim to the side. She learned to ride a big bike with training wheels. She started talking in full sentences. She dug even deeper into her shoe obsession. She learned the chorus of 'riding dirty.'
She became a big sister - and a fabulous one at that! She's always looking out for and thinking about Emma. Has never uttered a mean word about her. And is pretty darn helpful. She can buckle herself into her carseat, write her name, draw a football and an egg. She learned all of her colors, precisely 2 letters of the alphabet (O for me and E for Emma), and stopped everything in its tracks the minute she realized she was learning.
She stayed just as shy. Potty trained herself. Moved into a new room with a big girl bed. Learned to open the fridge. Learned to let Koda in and out. Learned to put clips in her own hair (since Daddy wouldn't do it). Has figured out the art of backseat driving, and drives her father nuts.
She finally outgrew the mullet. Insisted that she wash her hair every night so it wont turn 'purple', and begs for google images of crooked teeth so can talk about how she wont look like that since she brushes hers every night. She started a love for princesses, Sofia the first, Cinderella, Frozen, and Curious George.
She checks the weather on her phone. Wears jewelry. Gave up her paci for one night, and quickly took that habit back. Learned that she doesn't like coffee. Listens really well. Stalls at bedtime better than anyone I know.
This past year with her has been so much fun. She's so helpful and so good. But can be so silly. Always up for an adventure. Loves to laugh and laughs hard. Tries to be just like me, including helping clean up. And seems to get all my jokes and sarcasm. She's my best little buddy, and I can't wait to see what 3 brings.
And then, what I wrote on Instagram: