Monday, October 13, 2014

Few Wedding Pictures

It has been a whirlwind of a week since I left yall last. Work was crazy busy (and still is!) - and we left late Thursday night for a wedding in Atlanta - got back late last night - and I have a feeling its going to be one of those two-weeks-later-and-I-still-haven't-unpacked trips. 

Olivia's birthday party is Saturday. We go to Greenville for homecoming the following weekend. And then it's Halloween. So much fun to be had. Not enough time to get my life together.

I want to post about the wedding. I have a few other pictures to post. Olivia's first birthday is in two days - WHAT?!? But, for now, I'm going to leave you with just three pictures.

A quick family photo from the rehearsal.

My party animal baby was up way too late (and I heard the bridal party took Fireball shots..) so she was cracking herself up putting on my mom's sunglasses.

And the last one, my mom took. Olivia was so tired that she not only crashed on the way home, but didn't wake up when I got her out of her carseat. 

She hasn't slept on me since she was itty bitty - so I took full advantage and held her for half an hour. Love this sweet angel baby of mine.

Happy Monday!


  1. OMG! Happy early birthday Olivia! That dress is beyond adorable on her!

  2. All these pictures are wonderful but I really hope you have plans to frame the last one! Honestly the moment doesn't even look real.

    1. Yes! I want to do a little canvas of it. My mom's the photographer - so she made me shimmy over near the lamp, without waking Olivia up. Haha.
