Sunday, October 17, 2021

Rowan - 6 months

Weight: 15 pounds (25%)
Height: 25.5 inches (30%)

Sleep: we are mostly back to sleeping through the night!! We had to make her fall asleep on her own, without us rocking her (so she could learn to fall back asleep when she woke up, instead of panicking and crying). And we had to try soothing her in the crib without picking her up. That means mostly just rubbing her belly and calmly telling her everything is okay while she loses.her.mind until a certain number of minutes are up and then doing it again. And again. Until slowly...well, it never actually works, but she doesn't wake up as much.

Eating: Same milk routine as she has been, but we are just about to add soilds to the mix!

Milestones: sleeping through the night is a big one! She is just about to start solids, which I know she will love. She is rolling back to belly and belly to back. She just can't figure out the double and triple roll to actually get places. 

Clothes / Diapers: Size 3 diapers and 3-6 month clothes - although some are starting to get a little short on her. 

Best Moment of the Month: The first time we put her in the exersaucer. We started it much earlier with the other girls - but just hadn't taken the time to bring it down from the attic yet. When we did, she was THRILLED to have this whole new toy that was hers. She was older and more excited and could play with it. It was so fun to see Rowan so happy!

Favorites: She sleeps like a little angel with her hands behind her head - so her (and her sleeping) are two of my favorites. She has started having a little muslin lovie in her crib that is completely breathable. She rubs it over her face right before falling asleep. Actually, I think her sleeping through the night is my favorite. 

I dont think I have mentioned this: to get her to fall asleep for her nap, we have to bounce her on the yoga ball. She falls asleep so quickly! When we transfer her, she wakes up, so we pick up the entire dock a tot with her in it, and bounce her in the dock a tot until she's back asleep. When we transfer her in the DAT, she doesn't wake up because she doesn't feel us setting her down. It's brilliant. And so bougie. And only takes a few minutes so why not. 

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