Thursday, October 4, 2018

Sloan - Three Months

Height and Weight: I have no idea. We haven't been to the doctor and I never got around to weighing or measuring her myself.

Sleep: Oh my gosh she is the best baby. She sleeps through the night about half of the nights and one night waking the other half. Its a miracle!

Eating: She drinks 5 ounces about 7 times a day. 

Milestones: Still not rolling over. She's such a chill baby that she is a little lazier than the other two. She has started laughing some and holding on to things with her hands. 

Clothes / Diapers: Size 2 diapers and 6 month clothes. She's a big baby.

Best Moment of the Month: Definitely her first belly laugh. Dan had gotten her to laugh that morning and showed me when he got home from work. I got it on video and it is just the cutest ever. She has the biggest mouth out of my babies and I just love that half her face is a grin!

Parent of the Month: Probably when I went to pick up Sloan from daycare and left her carseat at home. I just had the base. I had loaded everyone in the car. And had no one left to watch the girls. So Dan had to leave work to help. 

Favorites: SLOANY!! She is literally the best baby in the whole wide world. She is so happy always. She's a good sleeper. You can set her down on the floor to clean up your toddler's pee and she does not care. She is happy anywhere. Loves to be squished and tugged and rubbed by her big sisters. She loves attention, but is happy to just be part of the action. With the older two, I was excited to see them crawl, walk, talk, etc. With Sloan, I don't want her to do any of these things. I want her to stay this age forever. If she stayed this age forever, we wouldn't need any more kids, and we would always have a baby around. She does still puke a lot, so I'm okay with her growing out of that. 

The first two months with 3 kids was really hard for me. I guess I thought one and two were so easy that it threw me for a loop having to adjust to three. Month three we got into a great routine, Sloan was sleeping more, and everything settled perfectly into place. It is still more chaos than with 2, but it is so much fun!

We love the A&A burpy bibs. Sloan loves Sophie the Giraffe - which was funny because it wasn't Olivia or Emma's favorite. She is definitely a fan of her paci.  But she's mostly just happy hanging out outside with the big sisters. And I am happiest holding her. And she'll probably never learn to walk. 

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