This go-round I didn't document much from the first trimester - so I am going to go off of memory. I did read through my last two 'first trimester posts' and found it so interesting to read how miserable I was and anything that might have worked.
I was just as horribly sick as I was with both girls - but this pregnancy so far has been just like Olivia's. Dan swears it must be a blonde ;)
One day I told Dan I really wanted pad thai. He was like, the last time we had pad thai, you were pregnant with Olivia. I search for the 'right' pad thai place - and we head over there. The minute the waiter brings over the pad thai - I tell Dan, "I can't eat even one bite of that - I will throw up." Dan goes, "same with Olivia, you wouldn't touch it when I brought it home"
So we take the leftovers home and Dan heats them up in the microwave (green face emoji). I went on a rampage, 'I have to get out of the house, this smells so bad, we are never having pad thai again, I will never have it again in my life.' Dan goes, "same exact speech when I heated up the leftovers last time."
For weeks, I couldn't eat a thing but clementines and English muffins. I couldn't microwave anything or cook anything. I couldn't even scoop peanut butter for Emma without throwing up. Everything, every smell, every food made me puke. Indian food is normally my favorite and everyone at work knows that I always eat Indian when they come in on Wednesdays - I was having to pretend to have lunch out with made up friends - and would sit in my car - to not give myself away.
I've been pretty tired and heading to bed when the girls go to bed. Which means the house is a disaster, I don't get any work done, and any house projects / blogging / laundry / crafts / conversations with my husband have been non-existent. Dan has been a LIFESAVER. He has done all dishes, cooked meals (pizza delivery totally counts!), wrangled kids through bath and bed, done laundry, diaper duty, house projects, and grocery pickup for me. And he's even taken a jar of peanut butter out of my hands when I looked like I was about to cry having to get some out for Emma.
I have only wanted fresh fruit this pregnancy - specifically berries. With Olivia, I craved salads and fresh things - with Emma I craved meat. As much as I love sugar, I really don't do well with it. I start shaking and feel like I'm going to pass out. Those preggie pop drops helped the nausea quite a bit with Emma, but this time they are way too sweet and I don't do well with them.
As I type this I'm 15 weeks and starting to feel better. With the girls it went away at 18-20 weeks - so I think I only have a few more left. I can eat about 50% of the things I used to be able to eat, and have a few hours a day when I'm not sick. I even helped Dan with the dishes yesterday ;)
I think this third time around, getting through the nausea is much easier because I know how much it's worth it. It's such a short time compared to your whole life - and those little babies are just so cute and worth every minute of misery. I might feel differently when they are teenagers.
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