Monday, March 2, 2015

A few things about us

I had some pictures that don't really fit into a specific blog post, so I thought I'd share a few things about us.

1. We take really good family photos. 

Like, really good ones.

Those are the only two week took from dinner the other night, and I'm not sure they could get any better.

2. We wake up looking perfect.

3. We have an incredible sense of style.

4. We eat really healthy breakfasts.

And snacks.

5. We can go a little overboard when it comes to road safety.

6. We nap so well.

7. Our house is always spotless.

8. And, we are never sarcastic.


  1. haha... I sometimes contemplate getting a dog just to clean up the constant trail of cheerios and crackers. I love the family pics and all the funny pics :) I love Olivia's bedding - have you ever done a nursery tour? I'm nosey and love things like that!

    1. You totally should get a dog! :) Yes I have! It took forever to get all the furniture in that it wasn't finished until a few months after she was born.

      I love nursery and house tours!

  2. Lol! I loved this! Especially the play dough picture! lol!

  3. Haha!!! Hilarious!! classic family photos! I'm thinking of renting out my dog to toddler families without dogs during meal times.

    1. I think people would pay a lot for that. I don't know how people do it without dogs!

  4. Love! Love! Thanks for cracking me up!

  5. I laughed at almost every pic of Olivia cause that's pretty much how Adalyn is!

  6. Too funny! Loved all your family pictures and the spotless house of course. The important thing is that you're making memories and enjoying yourself along the way <3

    1. Yes we are! Even when she throws fist fulls of egg all over the floor in .2 seconds!
