Thursday, June 28, 2012

I love anywhere with water ..

I love anywhere with water. Not just running water (although quite important .. camping? not without plumbing), but a body of water. Preferably the ocean--although a lake, bay or river will do.

I grew up vacationing to Destin, Florida. It was just me, my family, and 96% of Georgia spring-breakers. Remote, it is not. Quaint, it is not. But you have to love a place that offers airbrush t-shirts at Walmart, and a free hermit crab with every purchase.

Plus it is beautiful. Absolutely beautiful. We often take it for granted, considering 400 of our favorite Georgians are sharing the same 100 feet of ocean view. But it is definitely the land of baby powder sand and crystal clear water.

I was lucky enough to sneak away from work for a week earlier in the month to head to Destin with my family. We hit a wonderful week that wasn't too crowded -- once we were past Memorial Day.

I could probably write forever about all of my favorite things about Destin, all the wonderful memories, and how I won our family's 'all you can eat crab' contest by eating 4 plates worth at dinner. But, there will be plenty of time for that. Instead, I am going to leave you with two photos:

One, taken by my cell phone, through a plastic bag (no sand in the new smart phone!) that may or may not have had sunscreen smeared on it. Still absolutely beautiful. I made it until Thursday before texting this to my co-workers, with a text that basically said "nah-na nah-na nah nah" (I'm paraphrasing).

And another, stunning one taken by my photographer mama. Can you see we have different skill levels when it comes to photography?

Photo courtesy of my photographer mama

Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Garage-saleing ... yes I made up a verb.

I love garage-saleing. My mother says it’s because I am cheap. (Thanks, mom). I like to think of it as a hobby.

Between getting up early, digging for those finds, and a wad of cash in your cut-off jean-short’s pocket. (Okay, so maybe I just garage sale because it is a socially acceptable venue to rock jorts). To that wonderful moment where, indeed, yes, that piece of furniture that you don’t need WILL fit in your (very) compact SUV.

I leave Dan and Koda to sleep in and head out pre-7am. Every garage-saler knows that people will line up at 645, even if the sale starts at 8. Then, since we live in an area with a lot of neighborhoods, I drive around following the garage sale signs. (I also eavesdrop on other people’s conversations about great sales that day). Tip # 2. You’re welcome.

I am sure you can find a much better system. One where you research the sales and map out your route .. but I never had much luck looking online. Plus, I would rather be impulsive.

Anyway, I wanted to show yall my scores garage-saleing last weekend! I spent a grand total of $29, and scored some wonderful finds … if I do say so myself. First, I wanted coasters to use in our dining room. Since our chargers and candle sticks are silver-plated, silver was my first choice. But really, I mostly wanted something to protect our table. I found this set of silver plated coasters for only $1!

And they polish up nicely! (Disclaimer: I have a much nicer camera than my phone camera, and I promise I am going to use it more, and take much better pictures. Hang with me. Hold me to it.)

Secondly, I got this wonderful little vase for 50 cents! I wanted some smaller vases to hold a few small clippings—like these wonderful smelling gardenias. So this one was a necessity!

Next, I got these chairs that I completely do not need love. I just fell for them. They are currently on our porch. I love the shape. I love the color. I got all four for $15. Heck, worst case, I can sell them in our own garage sale.

Next, I got this huge score. For Dan’s birthday, I surprised him with a mini-re-do of his ‘mancave.’ More on this later! But we had no form of seating up there, it is a very small room, and I really didn’t want to spend a couple hundred dollars on a sofa. Behold. $10.

No I am not lying. $10. TEN. Plus, it didn’t fit in my car, so the guy gave us the keys to his truck to get it home. Talk about trusting! I guess a girl in jorts looks pretty harmless. I asked if he wanted my keys for collateral. He said, “Nope, I just want to get my sunglasses out.” I wish I had a picture of us driving this man’s truck, with our sofa in the back.

If you are doing the math, I have $2.50 left to account for.

The timer was $1. We always need these around Christmas, and they cost around $15! Another vase for $1 – love the fact that it is metal. And then, the-never-before-been-opened, still-has-the-$30-price-tag, coffee grinder. For you skeptics, I have tested it, and yes, it works. We’ve never bought a coffee grinder because it wasn’t worth the extra money. For the price of 2 gumballs, you can’t say no! Maybe it’s just me that can’t say no. I couldn’t say no!

So there you have it. A wonderful use of $29 (in my mind!) and a wonderful use of the pre-9am hour.

Stay tuned for the ‘mancave’ re-do. As well as my how-to on ‘dislodging a stuck $10 sofa from your staircase without ruining your marriage.’

Monday, June 25, 2012

My friend Emily

Our neighbor is famous! We are very proud of her – she has come such a long way! Yall might have heard of her, her name is Emily Maynard, and she is on the Bachelorette.

Okay, okay. So we don’t really know her exactly. And by neighbor, I mean out of our neighborhood and up the street about a mile. BUT – I pass her house on my way to work every day.

I can prove it! Look familiar?

And here's one of the frequent limos outside of her house. 

Dan likes to pretend we are friends with her by saying things like, “Is Emily coming over for the Bachelorette tonight?” and “I think she should pick Arie. I’d get along with him best.” Sorry Dan. Was I not supposed to tell people you watch the Bachelorette? He is forced into it, I swear!

AND if Emily has any Google alerts set up, she now thinks we are super creepy and is currently putting her house on the market. Or filing a restraining order. I promise we are normal. Really.

It’s amazing, actually, that it took me this long to figure it out. I always knew she lived in Charlotte .. but this isn’t the smallest of cities. They showed her house on Brad’s season, and they showed her house on sneak peeks of her season. It wasn’t until they showed the neighbors house, before I thought, “hey, that looks familiar.” I’m horribly unobservant. Details are not my strong suit.

Well, I gotta run. My friend Landon and I have a date with Emily tonight. ABC. 8 pm.

Friday, June 22, 2012

Our baby has a cold

No really. Our dog has a cold. Who knew dogs could get a cold? She has been sneezing like crazy, and looks up at us with these tired watery 'sick-eyes.' I love her. Is it bad that she's cuter like this?

Look at those sad eyes! I'll have to hug her and kiss her and spoil her rotten. Check.

The vet said to 'coax' her into drinking her water with chicken broth. She never needs coaxing--this puppy drinks like a camel. But, because she's super cute, we gave her chicken broth anyway. Spoiled rotten? Check.

Gone and done it

Cue Shania Twain, I have gone and done it. I have started a blog.

I love stalking people I don't know reading other blogs. Recently, I have been jealous seeing people with posts as far back as 2007 or earlier. I wish I had written down memories, things I have learned, inspiring ideas, etc. Instead of going another 5 years and wishing the same thing, I am starting now.

And, hey, we are newly-weds living in Charlotte, taking our first stab at homeownership. I am sure there will be quite a few stories along the way.

I might only have one reader (hi mom!), but it will be wonderful for Dan and I to look back on the 'good ole days.' Hopefully this will inspire us to take more pictures. And make more memories.

Please join us! We hope you enjoy the ride.